Monday, March 15, 2010

Lives We Touch

"Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch."

This quote came from a movie I saw this past weekend. It has really stuck with me. It has really made me think about the influence you have on peoples lives. The small stuff and big stuff. No matter what little act you might do has an impact on others. It was very eye opening to me. Reminding me just how important it is for us to remember how our lives cross and how we touch those around us.

I want to be a positive touch on those I meet, work with and come in contact with. So many times in life you never know who or what will make an impact on someone else. Everything we do is significant because it could be the very thing that you will be remembered for in years to come.

I hope my fingerprints don't fade off the lives I touch.


KayMac said...

Just checked...yep, your fingerprints are still there! Love you, Kathy and Rachel

Sue G said...

Hey Nicole,
To also realize that our fingerprints can also be the marks left behind by the Holy Spirit's movements thru us... should make us pause and reflect and consider our future actions... love, Sue