Friday, May 21, 2010

So much to do, so little time...

It is so hard for me to be excited lately. I realize that I do to much. I try to pile all these things into my life. Why? I realized that it doesn't really matter how much we do. All that matters is that we do what God asks of us. I am learning to slow down and do less. Take more time for me and not feel guilty about it. I realized that if I don't feel filled up with love for myself I surely can't give it to others. If I feel tired or warn out how can I do things for others.

It is a hard thing for me to learn. It is okay to take care of me. To desire a work life balance. To take each day as it comes. To live each moment not looking to the future. I just hope I can continue to live for today. If I don't there is so much I am missing by living for the future. That is no good for anyone!!

1 comment:

Burkulater said...

that's hard for me to do too...i chalk it to guilt. my whole family is a lot happier when i'm doing what God wants than the millions of things i think i need to do.