Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Blogging Break

It has been months since I wrote. Totally skipped August all together. I think I was hoping that if August was slow maybe, just maybe September would never get here. However, sigh, it is here as usual. Fall use to be my favorite season. I loved it in college and such...College when there really wasn't a care in the world. How did it all change really??

Taking a blogging break from work. Gearing up for our big House Party event coming up on Thursday. I get so nervous right before these big events. Everything is ready to go as far as I can tell. However, I hope all the plans I have been making on paper and over email come to pass as it should. By now I should be use to something going wrong. No event is ever perfect. There is always some hiccups...

Anyway, should get back to work. Pulling my hair out with final details. After Thursday I will have one down and only 11 more to go...Could always be worse though right?

1 comment:

Momma said...

I am sure that everything went well! Can't wait to hear all about it!