Monday, July 20, 2009

July 19...

Well, six years ago yesterday I got married. And now it has been two years since my divorce. I have some great friends who gave me a call to see how I was doing yesterday with it being July 19. However, until they called I had no idea what the date was. Life is moving along well. Sure I can reflect on how right now in 2009 on July 20 I would never have imagined myself divorced but I am learning to lean on God for strength.

Everyday gets a bit easier. Sure there are times I miss being with someone and not being alone but I have good friends and a great family who support me and love me. Even when I was married there were times of loneliness. Now I cling to God even more for strength. I lean on Him for understanding and guidance. I have learned so much about myself over these past couple of years. The places God has taken me has been hard at times but so worth the journey.

I get excited to see how God is going to continue to use me and move me this year and years to come!

1 comment:

Aunt Cathy M said...

nicole, you are an inspiration to me every day! I hope God strengthens me as He has you. You have been through a lot but yet you always smile. God definitely shines His light on you and may He always be walking with you. Uncle Mark and I love you very much.