Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Human Condition

My passions are many but as of late I am realizing that I am special. That God has given me a special gift...To see, I mean really see, the condition of others and what they need. I can see the Human Condition. Because of my experiences I can see what others need. For some reason God has designed me to see the logical steps to get to the end result. That is probably why I am an events manager. I can see how to get to the very end of a problem. I can look at something and figure out the right moves to get to the end results that is desired.

Why Me? Lately, as I examine my life and what God is doing in it I am asking myself why me? What have I done to deserve this great gift. Seeing others, I mean really seeing them, and helping them by listening or sending a few encouraging words their way or crying for strangers I don't know as I hear them go through something horrible.

God has brought me through a ton and I have ended up on the other side. Sometimes I feel so blessed to have faced the many trials so far. Because in those trials I realize how to help others. How to truly see them and their needs. I am so thankful and blessed this Holiday Season. To know that God has a plan and purpose for all of life's experiences even when they don't make sense!


Momma said...

You are a great encouragement to so many. I am happy that you are recognizing it!

Darren LeBlanc said...

Nicole - I'm so thankful for the heart God has given you. I'm incredibly humbled that you choose to give of yourself and your talents to support Anthem of Hope...and to be a good friend to those of us on that team. I'm better for knowing you...and I know many people feel the same way as I do on that.

~ d said...

I only worked with you for a little more than a year and you made a profoundly positive and indelible impression on me as a forever friend. Nicole, please don't ever doubt that you are special and indeed loved!