Thursday, January 8, 2009


Tonight I am so sore. My mom got my sister and I a 12 week training program to Donna's Gym in Trenton and also a one year supply of Boot Camps. I am hitting this health thing hard this year and I am so tired but it feels really good.

I was thinking about all the stuff I have to get done at work and at the house etc. I started to do the whole..."I need to make time and do things for me" bit. Well, I was thinking more and more that the working out and eating healthy and my new year's resolution of getting up early, at 5:30 a.m. and starting my day with a quiet time is for me. Those things are for me and no one else. I am treating myself to getting healthy, eating right and spending the morning reading before work. In the past I looked at these things as a chore that I HAD to do but now I am beginning to realize that doing these things for myself are treats to me.

Today's Blessing Report: I am so thankful for the change in attitude. It makes being healthy and waking up early worth it!

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